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It’s time to come back to life at work

By DJ Mitsch, MCC  May 30, 2020

Wake Up!!!

If all the world’s religions, or all the world’s articles on leadership, or all the world’s most amazing speakers shared a common call to action, or we could summarize the tenants of all the most comprehensive works on humanity in two simple words, it would be to “Wake Up!” Even Buddha was quoted as saying, “There is only one time when it is essential to awaken. That time is now.”

Coaching is a powerful wake up call for many. Coaching can help people wake up to their hidden potential, wake up to their true beliefs, wake up to their self-imposed roadblocks, or wake up to their calling in both their professional and personal lives.

I coached a serial entrepreneur this month. She had started two businesses, neither of which had given her the personal or professional satisfaction she was seeking nor the financial payoff. She was still searching for a niche, something that would tap into her interests, talent, and her passion for creating and futuristic thinking. In our session, it became clear that she was a genius—and had never stepped into claiming that. “That isn’t something I can do,” she mused as I requested she say that out loud. “I AM a Genius!” We laughed when she mustered the courage to say it. And in one of those blissful coaching experiences, she had a “eureka” moment that may change the entire direction of her life. She “woke up” to her calling, and something she had never seen for herself—she is a futurist. She sees things that could be great business ideas years before markets are ready for them. That is a legitimate business I offered and she left with ignition in her Spirit… awake and affirmed to a bigger role to play on this planet!

I have been privileged to be part of people’s Eureka moments over the past two decades and I have many stories like this to share, but decided to make this blog short and and invite you to ponder what it would mean to “wake up” to your potential. Consider these questions as you contemplate what coming to life in new ways can really mean for you:

Are you living life fully awake – consciously – right now?

What are you doing that sucks the life out of you or makes you feel like a Zombie?

How does being fully awake matter to you and others?

Think about it. And take one action now that will make you feel more alive at work! Somewhere in that stillness inside of you, you already know what that action is. Take it!

DJ Mitsch, MCC

Darelyn “DJ” Mitsch is the Chief Energy Officer of the Pyramid Resource Group, a Master Certified Coach, and a founding member and former president of the International Coach Federation (ICF). She is a world-class coach and creative partner for innovative leaders and teams. DJ designed this program based on her passion for bringing people fully to life as they change the game of work!



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